2013 Auditor Training Schedule 2013 Audit Course Training Application

Working with Primary Health Organsiations

HDANZ has three key service areas that can be provided with PHOs in a flexible manner and depending on their size, operational functions and strategic objectives.

Certification/accreditation of the PHO with the Health and Disability Sector Standard NZS 8134: 2008.  The scope of the HDSS “is generic in nature and is applicable to a wide range of specialities, age groups and service settings within the Health and Disability Sector” (NZS 8134).  Therefore, HDANZ have developed our own audit tool for the HDSS that includes guidance notes to assist the interpretation of the standard in a PHO environment. The outcome for the PHO audit is achievement of a 3 year certification with an 12 or 18 month surveillance audit to support continuous improvement. In addition, you receive access to our onTrack web-based software which includes relevant self-assessment  modules for a PHO. Note that we can also provide certification to a management Service Organisation (MSO). Please contact us if you would like to know more about how HDANZ audit and certification can support your service quality in delivering primary health care services.

A self-contained web-based quality review package a PHO can use if they contract to non-GP contracted providers (SIAs and Health Promotion); based on an agreed menu of support from HDANZ. This package includes the complete infrastructure to implement a quality review programme aimed at improving provider performance. To support its implementation by the PHO, the programme infrastructure includes generic letters, tolls, instructions, and systems. This is all contained in a web-based programme for the PHO to implement and an agreed menu of support is provided by HDANZ. Alternately, we can fully operate the programme on behalf of a PHO to deliver the outcomes that link with PHO ongoing funding of services. Please contact us if you would like to know more about how you can review  the quality of your non-GP funded services.

Provision of specific service evaluations for on-going PHO strategic development and funding and a full evaluation proposal is agreed with you that includes aims, objectives, methodology, costs, and so on..

The key benefits of the services we to provide to PHOs include:

  •  An integrated platform for PHOs as both providers and funders for the Primary Health Care Strategy Implementation Work Programme 2006-2010.
  • That it is flexible to a match the diverse needs of PHOs and supports quality improvement and performance.
  • Assurance that your contracted providers are meeting contractual obligations, while also being supportive to enable contracted providers to identify and make improvements to their service in line with your expectations.
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