onTrack Expression of Interest 2015 Auditor Training Schedule 2015 Audit Course Training Application

NZQA Training Courses

Health and Disability Auditing New Zealand Limited (HDANZ) is accredited by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority under the provisions of the Education Act 1989 to provide education and training based on
a) unit 8086 Demonstrate  quality management systems (level 4) and
b) 8084 Audit quality management systems for compliance with quality standards (level 6).

“I raro i nga tikanga o te Ture Matauranga 1989, kua whakamanatia a
Arotakenga aa–Hauora, aa–Hauaatanga o Aoteaora (HDANZ)
e te Mana Tohu Matauranga o Aoteaora ki te tuku akoranga
me te mahi whakamatautau mo te 8084 and 8086”.

A) Auditor Training Course (Whakatere Tikanga Kaute)

This is a 4 or 5 day course intended for persons who wish to be quality auditors (internal and/or external).  People credited with this NZQA Unit Standard 8086 (level 4, credit 4) are able to demonstrate knowledge of:

  • quality auditing,
  • preparation for auditing,
  • quality standards,
  • auditor behaviour,
  • registration of auditors, and
  • accreditation of certifying bodies.

Course Content

There are a variety of teaching techniques used so that learners with different learning styles will be supported.   A comprehensive and user friendly learner workbook is provided for you to use throughout the course and is yours to keep for future reference.  It includes the following topics:       

Module 1 - A cultural frame for auditing

Module 2 - Defining audits and types of audits

Module 3 - Continuous Quality Improvement

Module 4 - Standards and legislation

Module 5 - Are you the right person?

  • Skills
  • Competencies

Module 6 - Preparing for an audit

Module 7 - Audit process and plan

Module 8 - Information gathering                                                                                  

  • Sampling
  • Access to information
  • Documentation to be reviewed
  • Interviewing

Module 9 - Feedback and reporting    
Module 10 - Certifying bodies and registration of auditors

B) Internal Auditing Workshops

Learn how to apply sound auditing principles to design, implement and review your internal auditing.  This workshop is aligned with the requirements of ISO 19011 Guidelines for quality and or environmental management systems auditing.  Practical skills and competencies are reinforced through shared learning and interaction for planning, conducting , interviewing, collecting information, determining and delivering findings, and preparing useful reports to result in improvements to internal management systems and processes.
Join us and get your hands dirty leaving the workshop with either a fully established internal audit framework or an improved version of your current plan and approach.

C) Lead Assessor Training

This is a self-directed course (140 hours total) for quality assessment designed to meet the requirements of NZQA  unit standard 8084 (level 6, credit 14).  It is intended for persons who are trained and experienced assessors/auditors (internal and/or external) but wish to extend their skills and knowledge to be Lead Assessors of quality standards and systems.  The purpose of this course is to provide a framework for leading assessment activities.  It is designed to give the learner tools to use for assessment, leading a team and to further develop and enhance these skills and knowledge.  The modules are designed to assist assessment/audit teams to function more productively.  A plan is agreed and the course is flexible for completion with 6 – 12 months.
People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of:

  • prepare to carry out a quality assessment/audit,
  • carry out technical aspects of a quality assessment/audit,
  • carry out interpersonal aspects of a quality assessment/audit,
  • report on a quality assessment/audit, and
  • verify corrective actions.

Course Content

A comprehensive and user friendly learner workbook is provided to use to meet the course requirements and is the learner’s to keep for future reference.  This course includes the demonstration of competencies for NZQA 8084 and direct observation with associated feedback is provided by a course tutor who is vastly experienced in supervising assessment teams.  It includes the following topics:                                           

Module 1 - Revision of key principles from 8086 (Quality Auditing)

Module 2 - Lead Assessor Competency Framework

Module 3 - Prepare to carry out a quality assessment/ audit

Module 4 - Carry out technical aspects of a quality assessment/ audit

Module 5 - Carry out interpersonal aspects of a quality assessment/ audit

Module 6 - Completion of two workplace assessments with reporting and feedback

Module 7 - Report on a quality assessment/ audit

Module 8 - Verify corrective/improvement actions

Module 9 - On-site Observation of you leading an assessment team 

  • Feedback from the tutor/supervising assessor

Module 10      Completion of overall course assessment requirements for 140 hours:  

  • 50 hours prior recognition of prior learning (8086 or equivalent).
  • 45 hours = tutored course work that involves 2 workplace audits.
  • 20 hours = distance learning of specific exercises completed.
  • 25 hours= observed assessment with feedback and assessment.

Course Fees

Auditor Training (8086): $2,187 plus GST.
Internal Auditing: $447 plus GST (one day workshop).
Lead Assessor (8084): $2187 plus up to $413 maximum for travel for the on-site observation (plus GST).

Please contact us if you would like more information to register for your training.

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